18,208 research outputs found

    Medical Tourism in the Caribbean: A Call for Cooperation

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    Numerous Caribbean countries have discussed plans for developing medical tourism activities as a means of tourism diversification and economic development. These plans have been encouraged and shaped by outside agencies whose influence might cause a race-to-the-bottom environment between countries competing for the same niche of tourists. This paper provides a call for cooperation between local health officials in the Caribbean region to coordinate plans for the development of a medical tourism industry that enhances regional access to specialized healthcare and facilitates the movement of patients and healthcare resources throughout the region to enhance health equity and health outcomes in the Caribbean

    Detection and Estimation Theory

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    Contains reports on two research projects.Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U.S. Air Force)under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E

    Early weaning of Calves may be Economical (Summary)

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    Early Weaning of Calves may be Economical

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    Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Model and Simulation of Attractive and Repulsive Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We describe a model of dynamic Bose-Einstein condensates near a Feshbach resonance that is computationally feasible under assumptions of spherical or cylindrical symmetry. Simulations in spherical symmetry approximate the experimentally measured time to collapse of an unstably attractive condensate only when the molecular binding energy in the model is correct, demonstrating that the quantum fluctuations and atom-molecule pairing included in the model are the dominant mechanisms during collapse. Simulations of condensates with repulsive interactions find some quantitative disagreement, suggesting that pairing and quantum fluctuations are not the only significant factors for condensate loss or burst formation. Inclusion of three-body recombination was found to be inconsequential in all of our simulations, though we do not consider recent experiments [1] conducted at higher densities

    SDSS J1650+4251: A New Gravitational Lens

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    We report that the Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar SDSS J165043.44+425149.3 is gravitationally lensed into two images, based on observations obtained with the WIYN 3.5 m telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory. The lensed quasar, at a redshift of z=1.54, appears as two images separated by 1.2" with B-band magnitudes of 17.8 and 20.0. The lensing galaxy is clearly detected in I-band images obtained in 0.3" seeing, after point spread function subtraction of the two quasar images. A strong metal-line absorption system is also identified in the unresolved SDSS spectrum of the double quasar, suggesting a plausible lens redshift of z=0.58. The UBRI flux ratios of the pair vary significantly from 8.5:1 in the blue to 5.4:1 in the red, a difference of 0.5 magnitudes, and may indicate the presence of microlensing in one or both quasar components. The predicted differential time delay between quasar images is on the order of one month, assuming the intervening absorption system is due to the lensing galaxy.Comment: 15 pages (including 4 figures), submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Helical vs. fundamental solitons in optical fibers

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    We consider solitons in a nonlinear optical fiber with a single polarization in a region of parameters where it carries exactly two distinct modes, the fundamental one and the first-order helical mode. From the viewpoint of applications to dense-WDM communication systems, this opens way to double the number of channels carried by the fiber. Aside from that, experimental observation of helical (spinning) solitons and collisions between them and with fundamental solitons are issues of fundamental interest. We introduce a system of coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations for fundamental and helical modes, which have nonstandard values of the cross-phase-modulation coupling constants, and investigate, analytically and numerically, results of "complete" and "incomplete" collisions between solitons carried by the two modes. We conclude that the collision-induced crosstalk is partly attenuated in comparison with the usual WDM system, which sometimes may be crucially important, preventing merger of the colliding solitons into a breather. The interaction between the two modes is found to be additionally strongly suppressed in comparison with that in the WDM system in the case when a dispersion-shifted or dispersion-compensated fiber is used.Comment: a plain latex file with the text and two ps files with figures. Physica Scripta, in pres

    Maps between Deformed and Ordinary Gauge Fields

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    In this paper, we introduce a map between the q-deformed gauge fields defined on the GLq(N)_{q}(N) -covariant quantum hyperplane and the ordinary gauge fields. Perturbative analysis of the q-deformed QED at the classical level is presented and gauge fixing aˋ\grave{a} la BRST is discussed. An other star product defined on the hybrid (q,h)(q,h) % -plane is explicitly constructed .Comment: 10 page
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